Wednesday, April 30, 2014

BEA-141223 : The server name specified with -Dweblogic.Name does not exist.


While trying to startup the AdminServer using script, the following error is received.

<BEA-141223> <The server name base_domainAdminServer specified with -Dweblogic.Name does not exist. The configuration includes the following servers {AdminServer,odi_server1}.> 


Due to some reason the AdminServer Name which normally should be addressed as "AdminServer" is passed as "base_domainAdminServer" to the startup script.
The base_domain is the name of the domain configured.


Based on Support Doc ID.1338461.1, it could be because of an environment variable set some where which resulted in passing a wrong Server Name. 
So if such an env variable is set, and if the user defined environment variable is created with an incorrect server name,it will fail with this error at startup.
But in our case, such an env variable was not defined any where as verified by the command echo $SERVER_NAME.

As a work around I tried setting the SERVER_NAME variable to AdminServer and able to start the server after that using

export SERVER_NAME=AdminServer

OPW-00001: Unable to open password-file


The connection to DB as "/" and "sys" as sysdba was failing with password not matching error.
When tried to reset the password using orapwd received the following error

"OPW-00001: Unable to open password-file"


Platform: Windows 


The reason behind "OPW-00001" is normally syntax error. We have to specify the command in the proper format.

It should be in the following syntax in windows servers

orapwd file=%ORACLE_HOME%\database\PWD%ORACLE_SID%.ora password=<PWD>

In my case I missed to specify ".ora" as part of the file name. 

ie, initially I tried with orapwd file=%ORACLE_HOME%\database\PWDorcl

Later I added .ora to file name and corrected it as

orapwd file=%ORACLE_HOME%\database\PWDorcl.ora