Monday, July 21, 2014

ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kcratr_nab_less_than_odr] in Oracle 12C


OS: OEL 6, 64 bit


The file system on which DB files were available crashed, resulting in a DB crash. The next DB startup is failing with Internal errors. DB is coming up to the mount stage only.


Database mounted.
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kcratr_nab_less_than_odr], [1],
[1895], [12597], [12603], [], [], [], [], [], [], []


Because of the file system crash when DB was running,the data files became in accessible. This resulted in a "lost Write" into the Online RedoLogs. So the normal Instance Recovery procedure became impossible to happen causing the ORA-600 error.


We can manually recover the DB by specifying the online redo thread at the time of crash if the full set of redo logs are available in the storage. 

Note: It is better to have a full backup of all the files before trying the steps.

1. Backup all DB files if possible

2. Identify the current log sequence group and file.

SQL> startup mount;

SQL> select GROUP#,STATUS from v$log;

---------- ----------------
         1 INACTIVE
         3 INACTIVE
         2 CURRENT

SQL> select GROUP#,MEMBER from v$logfile;

---------  -----------------------
1   /u01/oradata/orcl/redo01.log  
2   /u01/oradata/orcl/redo02.log
3   /u01/oradata/orcl/redo03.log

Here Group# 2 is current. So I am going to pass it manually

3. Manually Recover the DB

SQL> recover database until cancel using backup controlfile;
ORA-00279: change 23977161 generated at 07/18/2014 07:00:59 needed for thread 1
ORA-00289: suggestion :
ORA-00280: change 23977161 for thread 1 is in sequence #1895

Specify log: {<RET>=suggested | filename | AUTO | CANCEL}
Log applied.
Media recovery complete.
SQL> alter database open resetlogs;

Database altered.

DB is now open.

Note: If the above step fails then the only option left is to restore/recover from latest backup.


  1. Thank you so much for solution, Worked for me.

  2. Worked perfectly for me too. Thank you very very much, Satish!
